Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Blog 7

In thuis week of Genius hour i worked on my final project. In my final project I made two posters and a model. One of my posters had all of my information that I needed for that final project. The other poster had what my project would actually look like n real life. The model wasn't good to be honest though. I tried but I don't make fidget spinners so I didn't know how to make my model spin like an actual Tornado Stopper would. Overall, good final project in my eyes.

Blog 8

My porject overall went well. I liked that we had a good set up tp go by like research then docs to blogs all that good stuff. I also liked how we got a lot of time to work on the project in school then at home. At home I probably wouldn't have got anything done because I had no one to tell me I had to finish until I got to school. 10 weeks down of genius hour wasn't bad. I didn't like how some people got mixed up with the blogs and the due dates because that just made Mrs Pressey repeat herself a few times. My project went well though. I didn't have anything that was late or that I had to make up. Genius Hour wasn't that bad.